
标题: “暖男”“照骗”这些流行英文怎么说? [打印本页]

作者: 智联Lily    时间: 2019-4-23 17:35
标题: “暖男”“照骗”这些流行英文怎么说?

1. steal the show 抢风头steal the show 也可以用 steal the thunder 代替唷,不过 steal the thunder 除了抢风头的意思外,还有窃取他人创意或点子的意思。Taylor Swift totally stole the show when she showed up at my birthday party.泰勒丝一出现在我的生日派对上就把锋头都抢走了。It is really unethical to steal the thunder from someone else.窃取他人的创意很不道德。

2. go nuts 要疯了工作忙到要疯了!那个烂消息真是让人要疯了!以上的情境都很适合使用,而除了 go nuts外也可以用go crazy。After two days of nonstop working, our crew members went nuts.

3. slap in the face 打脸「打脸」一词很早就有了,意思是找出别人错认的事实而使之丢脸出糗。The mayor promised that he will finish his term, so it was a slap in the face when he announced to run for president.

4. flattering photo 照骗你是否常常在网络上看到这样的对话?路人甲:「天哪,好漂亮啊!」本人:「没啦,这是照骗而已~」There are lots of tutorials on the Internet that teach you how to take a flattering photo of yourself.
网络上有很多教学会教你怎么拍出自己的照骗。当本人比照片好看时,可以用 The picture/photo doesn’t flatter you。

5. you’re so full of yourself 你少臭美了身边的人如果太自满、自我感觉过于良好时,就可以用用这句话来压压他。除了 you’re so full of yourself也可以用 don’t be a smug。A: I am a really nice boyfriend, right?
A: 我是一个超棒的男友吧?
B: You’re so full of yourself. / Don’t be a smug.
B: 你少臭美了!

6. caring/considerate guy 暖男在这要特别强调,暖男的英文不是 hot man!暖男的特色通常是体贴、顾家、会做饭、懂得照顾女朋友或老婆,总之是带给人温暖的男性。所以用英文来描述的话,可以用 caring 或 considerate来形容这位男性。Does being a caring guy mean that I can finally get a girlfriend?

7. at a loss for words 词穷什么时候会词穷呢?紧张的时候还是吓到的时候?想必大家都有类似的经验,at a loss for words就是适合这时候使用,也可以用 run out of words。I was at a loss for words when that hot guy invited me to dance with him.

8. negative energy 负能量负能量的英文可以用 negative energy,而和负能量相反的就是正能量(positive energy)。Don’t let other people’s negative energy bring you down.
不要被其他人的负能量击垮。You should surround yourself with positive energy.
你应该让自己处在充满正能量的环境。B: Are you kidding me? It’s all the rage nowadays.
B: 废话,这东西现在正夯耶!

9. keep a low profile 低调如果是形容一个人很低调,我们就可以用 keep a low profile。但如果是要讲某个事件是低调的,会用low-key 来形容。Jolin Tsai likes to keep a low profile, so she barely shows up on TV.
蔡依林喜欢保持低调,所以她很少上电视。I told my boss that I was sick, so this party is a really low-key event.
10. nail it 搞定、做得好nail it 和定钉子没有关系唷!nail it 有做得好、干的漂亮的意思,相似词还有 kill it。I really loved your pitch. You totally nailed it!

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