
[其他] Cycling Vs Jogging: Which Is Best?

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发表于 2016-3-25 19:49:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
If you are looking for purchasing or building your personal electric bike you'll need to teach your bit on different technical terms so that you can make an informed decision when selecting batteries for the bike.
One term that may show up is  watt hours or Wh for short. A Watt Hours  is an  important measurement when determining the amount battery capacity you're looking for to visit a specified distance. It represents the total energy for sale in confirmed power supply. It is calculated by multiplying the amp hour  or Ah of an battery power by the complete voltage in the pack. A 36-volt 20Ah pack along with a 72-volt 10Ah pack both contain 720 watt-hrs; therefore they need to both get you the same distance provided you ride with the same speed. With the 72v pack you'll be able to accelerate faster this will let you higher top speed compared to the 36v pack. If you take advantage of this (it is hard never to utilize all that extra power) and ride in a higher speed you will confront more wind resistance burning up more power. This will result in your distance traveled ahead of the batteries running out being under that from the 36v pack traveling at the lower speed however, you will reach your destination faster. With a Crystalyte 5304 hub motor in the 24-inch rim and  a motor controller set to 90 amps you are going to  average around 35 to 45 watt-hrs per km (58-75 watt-hrs per mile). This is in a cruising speed close to 65KPH (40MPH) no pedaling.  How fast you accelerate along with your top speed will influence your power consumption. It will also vary depending on how flat or hilly the terrain is and just how much weight you might be carrying. You can use less than 25 watt-hrs per KM if you ride really slowly (using the same setup stated earlier) on flat terrain or use over 65 watt-hrs per KM riding full throttle up hills.

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